Reflection 1-19

Do you dissolve a relationship because the two of you are not compatible?

Compatibility is a funny thing. It sure is good to have, but maturity does well in its stead. The more you have of one the less you need of the other.

Reflection 1-18

You can be right, or you can reach resolution.

In life, the two are oftentimes not synonymous.

He who seeks justice may get it, but it may be a hollow victory.

Life is not meant to be played fairly or won, there is a higher ethic.

Reflection 1-17

A single touch outstrips a hundred words, sweeter than honey, softer than rose.

But love pure, outweighs them all – the delicate caress, the gentlest prose.

It embraces without contact, speaks without words. Never seen, always felt…that which cannot be sensed, always is.

Reflection 1-16

The scourge of Fikr is set right by the balm of Zikr.

Reflection 1-15

Travel light, my children…the journey is long.

Reflection 1-14

The height of arrogance is measured best by the ruler of ignorance.

Reflection 1-13

An unglazed scone is yet incomplete.