Weekly Halaqa

Insha Allah Shaykh Omar’s Weekly Halaqa will be in person every Sunday after maghrib Salah at New Tampa Masjid. See Prayer Schedule!


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Reflection 1-36

Things cost. To purchase the adoration of people, one must pay with the love of Allah (SWT).

Reflection 1-35

It is when one stops believing they are perfect that they start the journey of perfection.

Reflection 1-34

(2:285) وَقَالُوا سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا

There is a certain futility in asking, “Why?” Since when was the truth value of a statement ever predicated on either the ability to prove or understand it. While these may aid in transferring Truths, they do not establish them. Truth is that City of Light that exists regardless of whether one is opportune enough to visit it.

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