Weekly Halaqa

Insha Allah Shaykh Omar’s Weekly Halaqa will be in person every Sunday after maghrib Salah at New Tampa Masjid. See Prayer Schedule!


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Reflection 1-90
Some speak over others by tongue, others in their mind. Both make poor listeners.

Reflection 1-89

The spiritual engine behind the entire Ummah is the heart of Rasulullah (S). We are each but a caboose or box car, linked to those before us and thus pulled along. To think oneself an engine, and thus to disconnect from the car ahead of us, is as empowering, and affords as much autonomy, as a mountaineer that cuts his own cable. There is a rush and swiftly he is free – to plummet to his death, that is.
Reflection 1-88

The spring of wisdom spouts more from experience than labored thought, if only because it is hard to think about something we would never have thought to think about.

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