Reflection 1-40

I would rather live life in obedient sobriety than disobedience couched in ardency, however fervent.

Reflection 1-39

A misplaced glance requires one turn their gaze from Allah.

Reflection 1-38

The nature of sin is selfish and gratuitous.

Reflection 1-37

I don’t know what is the stronger driving force: acceptance or rejection. What is clear though is that one excludes the other.

Reflection 1-36

Things cost. To purchase the adoration of people, one must pay with the love of Allah (SWT).

Reflection 1-35

It is when one stops believing they are perfect that they start the journey of perfection.

Reflection 1-34

(2:285) وَقَالُوا سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا

There is a certain futility in asking, “Why?” Since when was the truth value of a statement ever predicated on either the ability to prove or understand it. While these may aid in transferring Truths, they do not establish them. Truth is that City of Light that exists regardless of whether one is opportune enough to visit it.

Reflection 1-33

Rather than determining what to believe, our time would be much better spent simply believing. 

Reflection 1-32

False ideals can be as dangerous as false idols.

Reflection 1-31

(63:7) وَلِلَّـهِ خَزَائِنُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ

Our persistence in sin can never outstrip His forbearance, just as our insatiable wants can never burden His ability to give. The extent of His holding back is as vast as the expanse of His giving forth – neither know any limit. Only such can be the One in Whose hands lies the Heavens and the Earth.