Reflection 1-81
Peace cometh with gratitude.
Reflection 1-80

​In matters of the Dunya, I have learned that where I am is best, not where I want to be. By embracing the now, one is free to sculpt their future. Otherwise, one is embroiled in fixing a moment that is already fleeting.

Reflection 1-79

​Complaints are to thankfulness what a slap is to a face.

Reflection 1-78

Sometimes we travel so long only to learn we are not very far from where we left.

Reflection 1-77

By taking the first step on the road that leads to a sin, one has already passed the point of no return — particularly when the road is well traveled.

Reflection 1-75
Too often, we misdraw our limits. The battle is not against sin, but rather the environment of sin. If one finds himself at the precipice of sin, it is usually too late.


Reflection 1-74

Nature is thus: what holds substance is pulled rapidly to the earth, while hot air so quickly riseth. How distant the hallowed and the hallow – the head prostrate and that in the sky.

Reflection 1-73
Success lies not in victory but in the struggle.


Reflection 1-72
An action many times is not nearly as valuable as the attitude behind it.


Reflection 1-71
If we must leave everything we love, why do we love everything we must leave?